Friday, August 27, 2010

Stay Tuned! (and home decorator's rant)

Unfortunately I've had to take a bit of a break from blogging because I moved (yay!) and new apartment means no internet (boo!). The truth is I've got some posts almost ready to go, but I need the internet to get rid of the "almost." Somehow, after posting so regularly recently I feel I owe readers this much. So please, stay tuned.

As far as the move goes, well, I finally really feel like I have a home of my own in New York City. Slowly (and I mean tortoise pace here) things are coming together. Why so slow? Of course settling into a new place is a process, but it doesn't help when you have days like today.

What happened today? Well, I'm glad you asked.

It started off pleasant enough. I had a mission: blinds, tension rod, storage containers, throw rug, sheets. I started at Home Depot. Asked for help. Got blinds cut to the width of my window. Was quickly handed a curtain rod. Next Bed Bath & Beyond. Found storage I liked but too expensive. Left overwhelmed. Marshall's in East Harlem has the exact same "Home" stock as Marshall's on 125th which I looked at yesterday. Daydreamed on M116 all the way to Columbus Ave en route to new TJMaxx.

I opened my wallet to get out my metrocard to discover it wasn't there. The M7 driver let me on anyway. Got off at 100th st and squatted down to thoroughly look through my purse. Squatting turned to sitting on the sidewalk, taking EVERYTHING out of purse, looking and then looking again in every compartment. I had to have left it on the M116. Apparently daydreaming costs $89. So pissed at this point all I can do is cry, but hold back the tears and look in TJMaxx anyway. They have the exact same "Home" stock as both Harlem Marshall's. Did find sheets though. And why are all throw rugs so friggin' ugly?!

Finally get home and attempt to hang blinds. They are too wide. Apparently my window sill gets slimmer at the very top. Weird, but OK.

Let me put the curtain up with a tension rod. Wait, why are there screws? It's a cafe rod! Grrrr! Ahhhh. OK...

Let me try to put up the other set of blinds. These don't even slightly fit. Boo to me thinking the windows were identical.

Boooo to this day in home decorating! Boooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Mission: NOT accomplished.

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